Pastor's Column

     Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the life of Suffolk Christian Church in this season of life and ministry. First, I am grateful to everyone who had a part in our Holy Week and Easter services. From musicians and worship leaders, to re-enactors, to sound/light techs, to those who prepared communion and assisted with baptism, to those who greeted and/or provided security, to those who provided flowers, to those who locked and unlocked doors and turned the lights and air on, to those who stuffed and hid Easter eggs and brought food to our potluck, to those who typed, printed, and folded bulletins, to our staff who coordinated these efforts, and to those who came to worship. It was a tremendous week in the life of our church.

    Second, I am thankful for those who are providing leadership to our new Fellowship for Women. Between 45-60 women have attended the first three events. This is meeting a real need in our church and I look forward to the way this ministry will continue to expand and grow.

     Next, I am so thankful to those who have led and contributed to our recent mission efforts. I am grateful for the committee that felt led to help us provide a new camper home for one of our families and to those who helped with housewarming gifts. I am also grateful to everyone who helped us feed the homeless the week of April 15th. Special thanks to Ginny Kinsey who organized and assisted seven teams who served throughout the week. A good time was had by all and the recipients of the meals expressed deep gratitude for the wonderful food we provided. Well done to everyone who shopped, cooked, packed, cleaned-up and delivered meals. I am particularly grateful for Girl Scout Troop 964 who provided home-made cookies and helped us pack meals mid-week.  To others that have been involved in our ongoing food pantry and other outreach efforts, thank you.    

     Last but not least, I am grateful to the House of Worship team and a number of others (including members of the All Saints Presbyterian Church) who work so diligently to keep our building and grounds in such great shape. Your stewardship of our property honors God and is a joy to all who gather here each week. 

     It truly takes a village, and I have probably missed some of you along the way. It is a joy to watch each of you exercising your gifts and giving so generously of your time, money, and energy. Thank you.

                                                    Upcoming Events

     Please join us on Sunday May 19th for our annual Memorial Sunday. We will honor and remember those we have lost in the last year and fellowship over lunch around the tables. Please sign-up on the bulletin board for this Covered dish luncheon.  After worship, we will take a brief moment for church members to vote by written ballot on the revisions to our Constitution. We hope you will join us for this important day.

On the journey with you,


Tracy's Moment

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